

最佳吸血鬼題材電影:Top 25(07--吸血伯爵Horror of Dracula)

25 Best Vampire Movies 之《Horror of Dracula吸血伯爵》Horror of Dracula (1958)Runtime: 82 minsGenre:



25 Best Vampire Movies 之《Horror of Dracula吸血伯爵》

Horror of Dracula (1958)

Runtime: 82 mins
Genre: Horror/Suspense
Director: Terence Fisher
Starring: Christopher Lee, Peter Cushing, Michael Gough, Melissa Stribling

Synopsis: Count Dracula returns to the land of the living to claim his beloved Mina. The all-knowing doctor battles the vile beast for the safety of humanity.

Consensus: Trading gore for grandeur, Horror of Dracula marks an impressive turn for inveterate Christopher Lee as the titular vampire, and a typical Hammer mood that makes aristocracy quite sexy.




片  名:Dracula
譯  名:吸血伯爵
別  名:Horror of Dracula,古堡怪客,恐怖吸血鬼
類  型:恐怖
導  演:Terence Fisher
編  劇:Bram Stoker (novel)Jimmy Sangster
上  映:19580508
公  司:Hammer Film Productions Limited
地  區:英國
語  言:英語
片  長:82min
克里斯多夫· Christopher Lee .... Count Dracula
彼得·庫欣 Peter Cushing .... Doctor Van Helsing
Michael Gough .... Arthur Holmwood
Geoffrey Bayldon .... Porter
Barbara Archer .... Inga
George Benson .... Frontier Official
Paul Cole .... Lad
Olga Dickie .... Gerda
Janina Faye .... Tania
Stedwell Fulcher .... Man in Coach (Scenes Deleted)
Valerie Gaunt .... Vampire Woman
Humphrey Kent .... Fat Merchant (cut from US version)
Miles Malleson .... Undertaker
Carol Marsh .... Lucy
George Merritt .... Policeman

宣傳標語:The chill of the tomb won't leave your blood for hours... after you come face-to-face with DRACULA!



這無可爭議是史上最棒的吸血鬼電影。克里斯多夫·李獎永遠和吸血僵屍德古拉伯爵這個名字聯繫在一起,那可是他第一次出演這樣的角色!英國咸馬公司(Hammer Film Productions)為影片加入了一些情色和血腥的成分,結果成為恐怖電影史上的里程碑之作。真難以置信這是1958年的作品,因為它幾乎推翻了之前所有同類型題材影片的舊模式。當時與吸血伯爵這一角色並駕齊驅的還有彼得·庫欣(Peter Cushing)扮演的Van Helsing博士,他們倆簡直標誌著恐怖電影的新紀元。



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