

最佳吸血鬼題材電影:Top 25(12--吸血鬼的影子)

25 Best Vampire Movies 之《Shadow of the Vampire吸血驚情》Shadow of the Vampire (2000)Runtime: 1 hr



25 Best Vampire Movies
之《Shadow of the Vampire吸血驚情》

Shadow of the Vampire (2000)

Runtime: 1 hr 33 mins
Genre: Horror/Suspense
Theatrical Release:Jan 26, 2001 Wide
Director: E. Elias Merhige
Starring: John Malkovich, Willem Dafoe, Udo Kier, Cary Elwes, Catherine McCormack, Eddie Izzard, Aden Gillett


Synopsis: E. Elias Mehrige's Shadow of the Vampire explores the fictional premise that the star of director F.W. Murnau's 1922 German expressionist horror film, Nosferatu, was an actual vampire. When the... E. Elias Mehrige's Shadow of the Vampire explores the fictional premise that the star of director F.W. Murnau's 1922 German expressionist horror film, Nosferatu, was an actual vampire. When the dictatorial Murnau (John Malkovich) sets about filming his monster masterpiece, he makes a Faustian deal and enlists the grotesque, reclusive Max Schreck (Willem Dafoe) to play the rodentlike Count Orlok. Schreck proceeds to both horrify and fascinate the unwitting cast and crew---including producer Albin Grau (Udo Kier), actor Gustav von Wangenheim (Eddie Izzard), and actress Greta Schroeder (Catherine McCormack)--who, at first, believe Schreck is merely an eccentric actor. As the production continues, however, mysterious accidents and deaths begin to reveal why Schreck never gets any makeup. From its lavish opening sequence to Murnau's filming of the final scene, Mehrige's movie serves as a tribute not only to the original NOSFERATU but to the art of cinema itself. Because Murnau's project is a silent film, the overbearing director can coax and shout at his actors during the takes, making for some cleverly comical scenes. Although Malkovich, Izzard, and Kier are excellent in their roles, SHADOW OF THE VAMPIRE could simply not exist without Dafoe's hideous and hilarious performance, which ranks among the finest of the versatile actor's career.

Consensus: Shadow of the Vampire is frightening, compelling, and funny, and features an excellent performance by Willem Dafoe.




影片類型:劇情/恐怖/ 喜劇  
片長: 92 min
導演: E. Elias Merhige   
編劇:Steven Katz   ....(written by)
約翰·瑪律科維奇   John Malkovich   ....Friedrich Wilhelm 'F.W.' Murnau
威廉·達福   Willem Dafoe   ....Max Schreck
烏多·奇爾   Udo Kier   ....Albin Grau



導演F. W.摩納(約翰-瑪律科維奇飾)正在為電影諾斯費拉圖族”(NOSFERATU)在歐洲東部選取外景,他決定把這部電影拍成一部經典的原創之作。為了達到這個目標,摩納選定一個真正的吸血鬼馬克斯-斯格瑞克(威廉姆-達福飾)來作為這部電影的主演。摩納對攝製組其它人員解釋說,斯格瑞克是由斯坦尼斯拉夫斯基親自調教出來的演技派演員中的一個新銳,只是行為古怪了一點而已。私下裡,摩納與斯格瑞克達成協議,如果他的表演能達到摩納渴求的效果,並且在電影拍完以前能夠很好地控制他那令人恐怖的嗜好,那麼,摩納將把本部電影的名星格裡塔(凱薩琳-邁可麥克飾)那美妙的脖子作為他拍攝這部電影的報酬。


可影片開拍後不久,斯格瑞克就顯出了他的本性,很明顯他不願意或者是根本無法控制住他那吸血的本能。就在拍攝的第一夜,攝影師瓦福根-莫勒 (羅南-維柏特飾)突然奇怪地病倒了,摩納將他送到柏林的一家醫院,並尋找一個人來代替他。在拍攝間隙,製片阿爾平-格魯(阿杜-基爾)和編劇亨利克-格林恩(約翰-吉列飾)一起正在喝杜松子酒,此時古怪的斯格瑞克也加入了進來。阿爾平-格魯和亨利克-格林恩認為斯格瑞克只是有點古怪而已,他們開始問他一些事情。而斯格瑞克則告訴他們:他妻子生孩子時難產死了,但是每當夜晚她還會來到他的身旁,他就是因為她才變得這樣的。











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