最佳吸血鬼題材電影:Top 25(11--吸血僵屍驚情四百年)
25 Best Vampire Movies 之《Bram Stoker's Dracula吸血僵屍驚情四百年》Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)Runt
25 Best Vampire Movies 之《Bram Stoker's Dracula吸血僵屍驚情四百年》
Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Runtime: 2 hrs 44 mins
Genre: Horror/Suspense
Director: Francis Ford Coppola
Starring: Gary Oldman, Winona Ryder, Anthony Hopkins, Keanu Reeves, Cary Elwes, Sadie Frost, Richard E. Grant, Tom Waits, Bill Campbell
Synopsis: Count Dracula (Gary Oldman) reunites with his soul mate, Mina (Winona Ryder), after four centuries. Mina's friend Lucy (Sadie Frost) succumbs to the deadly bite of Dracula while Renfield (Tom... Count Dracula (Gary Oldman) reunites with his soul mate, Mina (Winona Ryder), after four centuries. Mina's friend Lucy (Sadie Frost) succumbs to the deadly bite of Dracula while Renfield (Tom Waits), locked in an asylum, eagerly waits for his master's return. Mina's fiance, Jonathan Harker (Keanu Reeves), with the help of the eccentric Professor Van Helsing (Anthony Hopkins), attempts to save Mina's life and soul before she can become Dracula's eternal bride. After Dracula attacks Mina's friend Lucy (Sadie Frost), Dr. Jack Seward (Richard E. Grant) calls in the legendary Professor Van Helsing (Anthony Hopkins) to cure Lucy's "disease of the blood." Jonathan escapes from the castle and he and Mina are married while Lucy dies and is resurrected as a vampire. When Dracula appears to Mina in her sleep, she declares her undying love for him. Professor Van Helsing, Jack Seward, and Lucy's fiance, Arthur Holmwood (Cary Elwes), join Jonathan and travel to Transylvania to destroy Dracula, but Mina tries to save her tortured lover. Musician Tom Waits appears in the film as Renfield, a Victorian lunatic singing the praises of Dracula. Ornate costume design and lighting awash in shades of blood make this film a seductive and scary must-see. In his version of the oft-told tale, Francis Ford Coppola takes Bram Stoker's archetypical horror story and accentuates the romantic angle. Blood still flows in large amounts, and Coppola opted to do all the eye-pleasing visual effects in-camera, utilizing shadow puppets, smoke, miniatures, and other time-honored tricks of the trade--creating a visual style not unlike that of a storybook come to life.
Consensus: Overblown in the best sense of the word, Francis Ford Coppola's vision of Bram Stoker's Dracula rescues the character from decades of campy interpretations -- and features some terrific performances to boot.
【別名】驚情四百年/吸血僵屍/吸血鬼/Bram Stoker's Dracula
【導演】法蘭西斯·福特·科波拉 Francis Ford Coppola
【主演】加里·奧德曼 Gary Oldman
薇諾娜·賴德 Winona Ryder
安東尼·霍普金斯 Anthony Hopkins
基努·裡維斯 Keanu Reeves
理察.E.葛蘭 Richard E. Grant
加利·艾爾維斯 Cary Elwes
比爾·坎貝爾(I) Bill Campbell (I)
adie Frost
湯姆·韋斯 Tom Waits
莫妮卡·貝魯奇 Monica Bellucci
四百年後,1897年的倫敦。年輕律師 約拿受命到羅馬尼亞特蘭斯瓦尼亞屬地的德考拉家族城堡去辦理這位貴族後裔在倫敦的地產手續。為此,他將與未婚妻——美麗的美娜分離。德考拉城堡的主人公正是已化為吸血鬼的dracula伯爵,他發現美娜與莉莎驚人相象,認為美娜就是莉莎的轉世再生。他決定找到美娜,找回那一份遺失了四百年的真愛。他將約拿囚禁在城堡之中,帶上成箱子的故鄉泥土:這是他力量的源泉,乘船一路呼風喚雨來到倫敦。他的到來復蘇了倫敦的黑暗力量。吸血蝙蝠與狼人醒了,倫敦處於一種神秘的恐怖之中。而美娜卻總在冥冥之中聽到一種心靈的神秘的召喚,在恐懼中又帶有一種強烈的嚮往。來到倫敦的dracula化為年輕的王子找到了美娜,他的優雅風度和神秘迷人的氣質逐漸征服了美娜。美娜熱烈地愛上了他,並在與他接觸中隱隱回憶起一些她前世作為莉莎的生活往事的悲慘結局,這使她陷入一種憂鬱與幸福之中。美娜的女友露絲受到一種誘惑而與狼人結合,開始逐漸蛻變,最終將死去成為一個吸血僵屍。露絲不斷失血卻又毫無根由的離奇病症終於引了神秘學家VanHelsing(范海辛)的注意,他經過查證,終於確認這一切怪異之事的起因正在于偉大的吸血鬼 dracula身上。他聯合並說服了幾個紳士一同對付這種可怕而神秘的力量。
約拿擺脫了魔女的控制,逃出了古城堡,被一所聖母院救起,他寫信給美娜讓她來此與他完婚,以擺脫dracula的魔手。等他們回到倫敦時,露絲果然已在死後變成吸血鬼。VanHelsing帶人闖入了墓地,刺穿了她的心臟,割下了頭,這樣才殺死了吸血鬼。約拿立即加入了VanHelsing一夥,去對付dracula。他們找到了他駐停的修道院,焚燒了他帶來的泥土。而德考拉此時已找到了美娜,並將一切都告訴了她,美娜知道自己深愛著dracula,決定永遠跟他在一起,變成不死的吸血鬼之身,共同享受永恆的真愛。由於失去了故鄉的泥土,德考拉只有先回到城堡蓄養力量。VanHelsing對美娜催眠,利用她對dracula的愛的力量追蹤德考拉並徹底消滅他。終於在日落之前他們趕上了德考拉,並在城堡裡重創了他。美娜不顧一切地撲上去,把將死去的德考拉拖入了城堡。在死亡的最後時間,dracula終於大徹大悟,重新回到了上帝主的懷抱,明白了什麼是真正永恆的愛。他最終作為神勇英武的 dracula伯爵,上帝的守護者而死去。美娜含淚舉起長槍,刺穿了他的心臟,割下了他的頭顱。他們之間的愛情已從中得到昇華和永恆。