

最佳吸血鬼題材電影:Top 25(16---吸血鬼/天師捉妖)

25 Best Vampire Movies 之《Fearless Vampire Killers Or: Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are in My Neck



25 Best Vampire Movies 之《Fearless Vampire Killers Or: Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are in My Neck 吸血鬼/天師捉妖  

Fearless Vampire Killers Or: Pardon Me, But Your Teeth Are in My Neck (1967)

Runtime: 2 hrs 4 mins
Genre: Horror/Suspense
Director: Roman Polanski
Starring: Jack MacGowran, Roman Polanski, Sharon Tate, Alfie Bass, Terry Downes, Ferdinand "Ferdy" Mayne

Synopsis: Professor Ambronsius (Jack MacGowran), an eccentric old academic specializing in the study of bats, and his bumbling but well-meaning assistant, Alfred (brilliantly played by Polanski himself),... Professor Ambronsius (Jack MacGowran), an eccentric old academic specializing in the study of bats, and his bumbling but well-meaning assistant, Alfred (brilliantly played by Polanski himself), travel to a small village in snowbound Transylvania (actually, filming took place in the Italian Alps) that has been plagued by a clan of local vampires. After innkeeper Shagal's comely daughter, Sarah (Sharon Tate), is abducted by Count Von Krolock (Ferdy Mayne), Ambronsius and Alfred venture out to the count's castle to rid the area of its bloodsucking parasites once and for all--a dangerous undertaking indeed, especially since it soon becomes apparent that traditional weapons against the undead are not quite as effective as folklore would have one believe and that attractive young maidens are not the only ones in danger of becoming victims of a vampire' uninvited advances. One of Polanski's most impressive achievements in FEARLESS VAMPIRE KILLERS is presenting viewers with a perfectly executed horror-parody while at the same time maintaining a consistent underlying sense of dread.

Consensus: This uneven but amiable 1967 vampire picture is part horror spoof, part central European epic, and 100 percent Roman Polanski, whose signature sensibility colors every frame.





主演: Jack MacGowran  羅曼·波蘭斯基  Alfie Bass    
類型:恐怖片    喜劇片
片長: 108 分鐘
地區:美國    英國
上映: 196721日英國



羅曼·波蘭斯基在本片中自導自演,飾演捉鬼大師傑克·麥克高蘭的徒弟,兩人前往傳聞中吸血鬼大本營的東歐古堡,決心剷除整個吸血家族,不料陰差陽錯之下,反而將吸血鬼帶出古堡為禍凡間。全片節奏輕快,幽默笑料此起彼落,而恐怖嚇人的場面也令人捏一把冷汗,其中以吸血鬼在古堡中追逐兩師徒的高潮戲最教人激賞。曾是波蘭斯基夫人的豔星雪倫·(Sharon Tate),在片中有性感而有趣的演出。



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