迪士尼經典動畫片Cars 汽車總動員 b
一路飆車的“閃電”卻在途中意外迷路,闖入了66號公路旁一個貌不驚人的陌生小鎮,橫衝直撞的他毀了鎮民不少財產,為了儘快上路,“閃電”不得不答應做義工,和小鎮居民打成一片。於是,他結識了很多不按規則辦事的新朋友:直爽漂亮、2002年產的時髦保時捷莎莉(Sally),有著神秘歷史的1951年產老爺車 哈德森博士(藍天博士/Dr.Hudson),滿身鐵銹但值得信任的拖車 梅特爾(拖線/板牙/Mater)以及鎮上形形色色的汽車們。
Successful rookie racer Lightning McQueen has, to his pleasure, just won a 3-way tie with elder rival Chick Hicks and champ "The King", but is also proud and unappreciative of long-time (mostly older) supporters enough to have his ignored pit-crew desert him. Accidentally lost en route to California for the tie-breaker, he crashes through Radiator Springs on Route 66, destroying the road and some property. Forced to remain in town until he repairs them, he's stuck in a small community whose tight-knit inhabitants accept neither his selfishness nor bad attitude. Refusing to respect them initially, he eventually returns the friendship of redneck Mater and falls in love with Sally, but can't seem to get gruff Doc Hudson, who keeps a painful secret, to change his mind about him. Soon Lightning learns the inhabitants of the town as a whole, who are almost a secret to the outside world, also had a past now painfully absent, and tries to help them enjoy it once more.